We at Yiya are so, so, SO VERY EXCITED to announce that we've been selected as a finalist for MIT Solve's 2018 Global Challenges!!! We have been invited to pitch Yiya at the Solve Challenge Finals on Friday, September 21 through Monday, September 24!
The MIT Solve Challenge Finals in New York City is the premier social impact live pitch event to kick off UN General Assembly week. The event will bring together the Solve community with a diverse group of innovators who will pitch their solutions to a panel of expert judges and a live audience on Solve’s 2018 Global Challenges: (1) Coastal Communities, (2) Frontlines of Health, (3) Teachers and Educators, and (4) Work of the Future.
We are so excited to be amongst the innovators who will be pitching our solutions at this event! We have been selected as a finalist in the Teachers and Educators category. Innovators in this category have designed solutions to answer this question: How can teachers and educators provide accessible, personalized, and creative learning experiences for all?
You can check out our MIT Solve application here!
The entrepreneurs whose solutions are chosen by the judges at this event will become part of the next Solver class, and will join the Solve community to build partnerships with cross-sector leaders—including Solve members such as BNP Paribas, Google, Ford Foundation, GE Ventures, MasterCard Foundation, Merck, and Save the Children—that help pilot, scale, and implement their tech-based solutions and take action on specific, actionable Global Challenges.
This year, Solve received more than 1,150 solutions from 110 countries—we are so honored to have been selected as a finalist by MIT Solve and are already hard at work developing our pitch!
Many thanks to @SolveMIT for selecting Yiya as a 2018 finalist!